I only managed to get a single pose and away it when my gang were shooting at the fruiting ficus tree at the far end monsoon drain away from RDC carpark. I do not know whether the guys notice the bird as they left the post earlier to seek other lifers at the back entrance of RDC.
The particular flowerpecker has pinkish to orangy eye. It has dull brown coat with a faint buffy streakingunderpart from its breast to belly. It is rather stout and puffy in shape. It stayed in the canopy top (25ft) in the tree and never came down ever vigilant of my present. It was feeding amongst the Blue-eared Barbet and Yellow-vented flowerpeckers and several bulbulsat that time
The other place to see this bird is in Panti Johor.
juvenile blue eared barbet in all green "attire" |
Yellow-vened Fp |